Dragon age inquisition how to uninstall mods
Dragon age inquisition how to uninstall mods

dragon age inquisition how to uninstall mods

If you don't have an SQL server installed, or if you don't know whether you have one installed, it's safe to go with the default and install SQL Server Express. SQL Server is presented as a separate option so that if you already have a database server installed on your system you can use that instead of installing a whole new one. To run the toolkit you'll obviously need to install the Core Resources option. There are only two selectable components here Core Resources (the toolset itself) and Microsoft SQL Server Express. The next screen after location has been selected is where you can choose which components to install.

dragon age inquisition how to uninstall mods

See installation into a directory with a long path name for details. However, this limitation no longer affects the installation, since version 1.01 of the toolset installer installs the SQL instance to a shorter path to avoid this issue. Unfortunately, MSSQL Express 2005's installer has a limitation that prevents it from installing to a directory path that's longer than 58 characters. Note: MSSQL Express 2005 is bundled with this toolset and is required for it to function. The toolset can only install the program into a specific subdirectory of the Dragon Age game directory, so you won't be able to alter the installation path it's for informational purposes. The first screen you'll get to after starting the installer and passing the title page is the install location selector.

  • 5.1 Moving the database files from the default location.

  • Dragon age inquisition how to uninstall mods